Thursday, June 19, 2014

Journal Migration

The last two posts were about testing recovery of the application state of an akka-persistence based application from a journal or a snapshot. This post concludes the series of posts on testing akka-persistence based application with some thoughts on testing migration of journals.

Journal Migration

The migration problem has already been addressed in the first post of this series. When the application evolves, the objects that are written to the journal evolve and thus their serialized representation has to change, too. To ensure that even if the evolved objects have a new serialized representation the deserialization is still able to read and process the old representation, custom akka-serializers are applied. So the idea is to maintain compatibility to existing journals and to restore the changed command-objects from the old serialized representation. Alternatively one could write a migration-tool that reads an existing journal and writes the content in the new serialization format. While this post focuses on the first approach the testing principles can be applied to both.

Snapshot Migration

Before we get into details, one word about migration of snapshots. In principle we have the same problems here as in case of journals. As the application evolves, the state of processors evolve and so does their serialized representation, and one has to make sure that the evolved application is still able to read existing snapshots. Like for the journal akka-persistence uses akka-serialization when it comes to writing the snapshot to the storage and that is why it makes sense to employ custom serializers for maintaining compatibility between versions. However, there is an important difference between the journal and snapshots. Snapshots can be considered a pure performance optimization and are not important from a functional point of view for a successful recovery of application state. That is why it might be a valid alternative to do without custom serializers and backwards compatibility in case of snapshots. Incompatible snapshots could simply be deleted in case of an upgrade. Of course this results in a longer recovery time for the first restart after an upgrade.

Because of this and because of the fact that maintaining backwards compatibility for snapshots is a very similar challenge (for implementation and test) as in case of journals, this post only considers migration of journals.

General Idea

Once again the idea is to reuse as much of the existing tests as possible. Basically we want to know if the test for recovery from a journal still works even when an old journal is used. So instead of writing the journal and recover from it in a single test-run, we rather save the journals produced by the tests when development has reached a state compatibility has to be maintained to (e.g. right after a release) and make the test read from this journal when testing recovery instead of reading from a journal produced in the same test.

Let's have a quick look at one of the recover-tests:

 1         val created = startApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 2           application.itemServiceTestExtension.createNewItem()
 3         }
 4         restartApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 5           application.itemServiceTestExtension.findItem( should be (
 6               Some(created))
 7         }

In lines 1-3 the journal is produced and the relevant state is kept locally in created. For our migration-test we do not need to produce a journal as this has been saved before. We rather just need to initialize created with a value that corresponds to the saved journal.

In lines 4-7 the application is recovered. For our migration-test we need to pass in the folder that contains the saved journal.

Saving old Journals

So the first challenge is to write a tool that saves the journals produced by the tests to a dedicated place. You may have noticed that the test-code above differs slightly from the initial-version shown in the post about testing recovery. The withApplication used before for both creating the journal and testing recovery are replaced by startApplication (line 1) and restartApplication (line 4) respectively. This allows us to inject different actions in either case.

For our use-case to save the journal to a dedicated place we simply copy the journal from the temporary folder to the dedicated place after the first application shutdown. For this we create a trait WithItemApplicationWithSaveJournal extending the well known WithItemApplication and overwriting startApplication like this:

 1   override def startApplication[A](persistDir: File)(block: TestApplication => A): A = {
 2     val result = super.startApplication(persistDir)(block)
 3     saveData(persistDir, result)
 4     result
 5   }
 7   def saveData[A](persistDir: File, result: A): Unit = {
 8     val destinationDir = migrationDataDir
 9     if(destinationDir.isDirectory)
10       FileUtils.deleteDirectoryContents(destinationDir)
11     FileUtils.copyDirectoryContents(persistDir, destinationDir)
12     Files.write(result.toString, new File(destinationDir, "expected.txt"),
13       Charsets.UTF_8)
14   }

When startApplication (line 2) returns, the application has not only been started, but the test-code (block) has been executed and the application is shutdown. Before it simply returns the result (line 4), it copies the temporary folder containing the journal (persistDir) to a dedicated place (line 3). In addition to this it writes a text file (expected.txt) to this folder with a string-representation of the result (line 12-13). We will see below how this helps us to prepare the relevant state for verification.

The dedicated place is migrationDataDir (line 8) which computes to the folder src/test/saved-journals/<id>/<test-class-name>/<test-name>/. The variables in this path are basically provided by a dummy-test that derives from the original ItemApplicationRecoverSpec and mixes in the trait WithItemApplicationWithSaveJournal like follows:

1 class SaveItemApplicationJournal
2     (protected val runId: String)
3     (implicit val tag: ClassTag[ItemApplicationRecoverSpec])
4     extends ItemApplicationRecoverSpec with JournalMigrationRecoverSource
5     with WithItemApplicationWithSaveJournal[ItemApplicationRecoverSpec]

<id> becomes runId (line 2), <test-class-name> is determined by tag (line 3) and <test-name> stands for the names of the individual tests in ItemApplicationRecoverSpec. This dummy test is run by a dedicated scala-application:

1 object SaveJournalApp extends App {
2   val runId = args.headOption.getOrElse("generic")
4   run(new SaveItemApplicationJournal(runId))
5 }

This application simply instantiates the dummy-test with a certain runId and runs it using a scala-test test-runner (line 4). It could for example be used after each release of the application and actually also be included in a release-process. In that case the runId could be the version of the application. In our case it produces three folders, one for each test in ItemApplicationRecoverSpec, containing the journal created by the respective test and the file expected.txt containing the string-representation of the value returned by startApplication. So for our three tests these expected.txt files contain the created, updated or deleted item.

The files produced by SaveJournalApp should be added to the source-control as resources required to run tests as we cannot easily reproduce those files once the application evolves.

Running tests against old journals

The next step is to execute the test of ItemApplicationRecoverSpec while making sure that it reads the saved journals when restarting the application. Once again we basically just need to provide another variation of the WithItemApplication trait for this:

 1   protected def expectedValueFor(test: TestData): Any
 3   override def startApplication[A](persistDir: File)(block: (TestApplication) => A): A =
 4     expectedValueFor(currentTest).asInstanceOf[A]
 6   override def restartApplication[A](persistDir: File)(block: (TestApplication) => A): A =
 7     super.restartApplication(migrationDataDir)(block)

This overwrites startApplication and restartApplication. In case of startApplication it simply returns prepared values without executing the test-code (block) (line 4). These values have to be provided by the test-implementation in form of the method expectedValueFor (line 1).

restartApplication executes the block as usual, however instead of providing the temporary folder persistDir it passes the folder with the previously saved journal migrationDataDir (line 7).

Having this, a migration test basically just needs to provide the expected values and the metadata required to find the correct folder containing the previously saved journal:

 1   protected def runId = "0.1"
 3   protected def tag = classTag[ItemApplicationRecoverSpec]
 5   protected val Id = ItemId(1)
 6   protected def description(d: Long) = s"$d - description"
 8   protected val expectedValues: Iterator[Any] = Iterator(
 9     Item(Id, description(1)),
10     Item(Id, description(3)),
11     Item(Id, description(4)))
13   override protected def expectedValueFor(test: TestData): Any =

runId (line 1) and tag (line 3) represent this metadata for the folder-name. As you can see, the method expectedValueFor gets a scala-test TestData instance (line 13) which allows it to pick the right expected value. For simplicity reasons the implementation here ignores it and relies on the order in which the tests are executed (line 14). The actual values (line 9-11) can be derived from the expected.txt files that were generated along with the saved journals.

Test in Action

So just like in case of the snapshot-tests we are able to provide migration tests while fully reusing the existing test-logic. Now lets see this test in action. After the journals have been saved by running SaveJournalApp, we modify the domain model by adding the optional field rank: Option[Int] = None defaulting to None to Item and ItemDescription. Thanks to the play-json macro -based serialization that we used for the custom serializers they basically adapt to these changes automagically. Of course we expect that the Items recovered from an old journal have the field initialized to None and as this is also the default we do not even have to change the migration test and can simply rerun it without any further changes and indeed it runs through just fine.

However if we break compatibility of the macro-based serializer for example by adding a field rank: Int = 0, the test fails accordingly:

  Recovery failure by journal (processor id = [/user/ItemActor])
Caused by: play.api.libs.json.JsResultException:

So for this kind of change we would have to provide a json-serializer that initializes missing rank-fields with 0.


There is one thing to keep in mind when it comes to reusing a recovery test for this kind of migration-test. Once the original recovery test evolves, it might no longer be a suitable basis for the saved journals. Even just adding test-cases is not a good idea as there is no old journal for these new test-cases. So the migration-test and the original recovery-test might diverge when the development continues and you have to find a suitable strategy to avoid as much redundancy as possible.

This post concludes the series of posts about akka-persistence and testing. It showed that it is possible to re-use the same test for testing three different kind of recovery scenarios: recovery from a journal, a snapshot and an old journal of the previous release.

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